Live music tidbits from a place that knows a little something about live music - Austin, TX.

Jun 4, 2009

Black Lips

I saw the Black Lips twice during SXSW. The pictures here are from the first (and far superior) show. The second go around the guys were somewhere between wasted and obliterated. The show was still a worthy catch thanks to an equally drunken appearance from GZA. Still, let's focus on the first show.
The music was incredible. They describe themselves as "flower punk" but in person you don't really hear the "flower" part. It's wonderfully loud, in-your-face, garage rock with a hint of blues and psych. And the performance is a hot mess. All the guys pour sweat and at least one of them smells pretty rank. Two very memorable moments -- The guy with the gold grill intentionally rammed his head into the mic . . . because he fu*king means it AND then, the guy with the poncho threw up mid lyric without taking a pause . . . because he also fu*king means it.

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