Live music tidbits from a place that knows a little something about live music - Austin, TX.

Jun 4, 2009

Beach House

Beach House could maybe be described as somber chamber rock . . . or that description could be way off. What is certain though is that both the band members and myself were "tipsy" for the show. Victoria Legrand (vocalist) dropped lyrics and I dropped my camera. Still, I think it's fair to say that a good time was had by all.

P.S. End day two.

Dent May & His Magnificent Ukulele

So you know how you arrive early at a show just to get a good spot for the headliner and then the opener ends up being the band that catches your heart? Well, that's totally what happened with Dent May & His Magnificent Ukulele. The music is happy, the lyrics are witty and funny, and the ukulele is (per usual) amazing.

Black Lips

I saw the Black Lips twice during SXSW. The pictures here are from the first (and far superior) show. The second go around the guys were somewhere between wasted and obliterated. The show was still a worthy catch thanks to an equally drunken appearance from GZA. Still, let's focus on the first show.
The music was incredible. They describe themselves as "flower punk" but in person you don't really hear the "flower" part. It's wonderfully loud, in-your-face, garage rock with a hint of blues and psych. And the performance is a hot mess. All the guys pour sweat and at least one of them smells pretty rank. Two very memorable moments -- The guy with the gold grill intentionally rammed his head into the mic . . . because he fu*king means it AND then, the guy with the poncho threw up mid lyric without taking a pause . . . because he also fu*king means it.

Jun 3, 2009

Delta Spirit

When you watch Delta Spirit workin' it up on stage, you really get the sense that they're aiming to please. And that's a great thing. Also they get props for incorporating a trash can lid into their repoirtoire.
On a side note, they toured with The Shins throughout May, and having seen both of these bands live, I'm fairly comfortable stating that the pairing seems quite complimentary. Delta Spirit is a slightly harder/darker take on Shin-style music. Also a great thing.